Research Interests

Gerhard Nägele

Theory and Computer Simulation of Colloidal Soft Matter

Group members Prof. Dr. Gerhard Nägele Project Leader
Dr. Jonas Riest Postdoc (SFB 985 funded)
M.Sc. Mariano Brito PhD student

Our research activities comprise the many-body theory and computer simulation of the structure, diffusion, rheology, and the equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase behavior of colloidal suspensions in the bulk phase, at two-dimensional interfaces, and in external gravitational and electric fields. Explored systems are charge-stabilized, neutral and magnetic colloidal suspensions, protein and DNA fragment solutions, and colloid-polymer mixtures.

Aim of our research efforts: Derive macroscopic transport properties from the knowledge of the microscopic interactions. Explore the application of colloid methods to biological systems.

List of current research interests:

Generalised Stokes-Einstein Relations
Hydrodynamics of Particles at a Liquid-Gas Interface
Stokesian Dynamics Simulation of Neutral and Charged Colloids
Short-time Dynamics of Charged Colloids and Proteins: Experiment versus Theory
Electrohydrodynamic Effects in Charged Colloids and Biomolecules
Interdiffusion in Colloidal Mixtures
Phase Behavior of Lyzozyme Solutions
Depletion-induced Aggregation and Phase Separation in Colloid-Polymer Mixtures

Employed theoretical methods:

  1. a) Micostructure and phase behaviour:
    Ornstein-Zernike-type integral equation schemes, Monte-Carlo simulations, thermodynamic perturbation schemes.
  2. Diffusion and rheology:
    Projection operator formalism, mode-coupling schemes for Brownian systems with hydrodynamics included, effective medium calculations, dynamic density functional theory, Brownian dynamics and Stokesian dynamics computer simulations.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2005 C3 – Professor of Theoretical Physics at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. Joint appointment with Forschungszentrum Jülich.
2002 – 2004 Apl. Professor, University of Konstanz.
Since 2001 Staff scientist at ICS-3, Forschungszentrum Jülich.
1998 Staff scientist at Daimler-Chrysler research lab in Friedrichshafen. Work on radar simulation and electro-hydrodynamics of car-spraying tools.
1995 – 2000 Hochschuldozent, University of Konstanz.
1994 Habilitation, University of Konstanz.
1989 – 1990 Research fellow, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Work on polymer dynamics with Prof. A.Z. Akcasu.
1988 – 1995 Scientific assistant, University of Konstanz
1987 Ph.D. in physics (with distinction). Byk-Prize Award 1988 of the Altana AG. Work on dynamics of colloidal mixtures.
1983 Diploma in physics, with Prof. R. Klein.
1982 1. Staatsexamen in physics and mathematics, University of Konstanz.